Mobile: 07916521249 | Local Rate: 0203 642 6442

Welcome to Aaron Valentine Buying residential and commercial property in the UK

As a property buyer we buy residential, commercial and land, with or without planning, throughout the UK. If you're a property owner looking to sell a property then you've come to the right place!

Our simple process to offer...

  • Contact
    Fill out your details and we will respond within 12 hours to arrange for one of our valuers to meet you.
  • Valuation
    Takes about 25 minutes, the valuer will discuss an offer with a team member, before sending it in writing to you.
  • Accept
    If you accept our offer, solicitors will be instructed and we will exchange within 2 days and complete in less than 30 days.
  • Completion
    On completion your monies are in your account and you can get on with your life again.


Sell Your Residential, Rental, Commercial Property or Land with Aaron Valentine Properties.

100% Secure. We Never Spam Your NumberOur property buying service is a great alternative to the traditional estate agent, and more importantly saves you time.